

1、, a vendor at on the coast of , directly north and slightly west of sun's reach, sells colour variations of various drops from、

2、评论来自 167459its safe to say thiers gona be something similar to sunmotes in wotlk only this time bliz will put set bonuses on the gear :p also on the topic of ppl selling these ive only seen 1 on the ah and it was up thier for 4kg and on my server thiers only 3 guilds on sunwell atm

3、if you can play your class petently i'd suggest looking for a sunwell trash pug、 don't waste these on the ah, the money may seem good but you're better spent getting yourself the best gloves in the game、

4、apart from the chance of epic drops, clearing trash for sunmotes is useful for some top end boe craftables, which hopefully some guilds on your server have found、 for the greedy, 4 motes at 2k each over 25 people es to 320g a person for a 30 minute investment (no wipes)、

5、评论来自 jan5689i am 80sunmote

6、also for transmoggers, is used in a number of crafted recipes for transmoggable gear (6 per item)、 be forewarned, the material cost of these items is quite high and requires quite a bit of gathering of old-world materials (or gold spent on the auction house)、

7、评论来自 radeoxand in second place, a small upgrade may costs thousands of gold、 has nothing to do with 15-18x powerfull if it costs 15-18 times more、

8、评论来自 129760can anyone give a reasonable estimate onto what sunmotes are going to sell for im on spirestone and vortex's go for around 500-600g、 at the same time since these patterns use way more sunmotes than the vortex patterns, i couldnt see them going for anywhere near that much because i doubt people are going to shell out 5000g for a single piece of armor、


10、评论来自 tayntedsolit should be noted that vodka just got 4 of these off the twin eredar fight and it is believed that this happened due to the fact that they killed sacrolash first (the hard way)、 so it seems blizzard may have planned ahead to award people doing it the hard way、 they also got 6 epics instead of 5 as an off topic note、

11、with extra mages, good gear, and good players, trash is possible with fewer than 25 as well、

12、评论来自 rzzrprice for these is crashing、 see them for 400g now and expect them to head much lower!


13、 primary reagent for the sunwell plateau craftable boes、

14、评论来自 7784hearts of darkness have settled at around 400g, so expect these to cost roughly 600-800g about two months after the patch、

15、评论来自 180768sunmote dont have such a decent drop rate as heart of darkness does, last time we did sunwell, we got about 2 sunmotes on all the pulls from the start - up to m'uru =d so for those who want those sunmotes badly, they got to be patient、

16、these items drop in , and most often get vendored these days、 however, they can be useful if obtaining colour variations of various drops for your transmog collection!

17、dont be surprised if these go for honor badges sooner then later also、

18、评论来自 146596so glad they made it so hunters have no reason to loot a sunmote

19、评论来自 162923which server are you from i'm looking to buy some sunmotes cheap was told they go for much cheaper on some servers like roundabout the 1k mark、


21、评论来自 benegesseritis wowhead's algorithm for buyout price working correctly 3000 (each) do people seriously expect to sell boe items for 15-18k i know the daily count is boosting everyone's ine by a fair amount, but the avg hod went for 800-1k、 sunwell loot isn't 15-18x more powerful, nor has that much more gold entered the economy、

22、评论来自 jgpenfieldsunwell is still useful for playing the level 70 to 79 battlegrounds with the best gear (can't use twink anymore cause it is out of vogue)、 you have to reach level 80 to have better gear than sunwell or black temple gear、

23、评论来自 245849why are all the mail rewards with these for shammies、 huntard ned respect tew

24、评论来自 aradornote that it is not bop, so it may be traded at will、 don't expect to see these on the auction house any time soon though、

25、评论来自 cornersyou can never guess what an new item will sell for、 it will be different for every server、depending on guild access will be the driving factor for prices、 ive seen hearts for 400g, but not a ton of guilds on my server are doing that content、 my old server cores used to sell for 50g or less because lots of guilds were doing that content、

26、评论来自 102263you're paring the price of a single heart to the price of a sunwell item (i、e、 5 sunmotes)、 if it's 3000g, then it's 3-4 times more expensive than bt (still a lot, but nowhere near 15-18)、

27、the sunmotes can be sold on the ah but the better way to handle getting them is to look up what plans/pattern makes your classes best gloves, farm the mats and then look in trade for someone who can craft it for you、

28、edit: why would u - this ment seriously, this is not thottbot、

29、评论来自 jjanchanare these useful now (patch 7、0 and beyond)

30、评论来自 155412these are arguably farmable、 guilds currently in hyjal or start bt should have no problem clearing trash in sunwell、 extra mages are remended for the 6+ humanoid pulls、 expect 2-6 sunmotes before you hit a wall、

31、评论来自 180061paralyze on thunderhorn quite often does these sort of pug groups and we use all the mages we can get、 but like the people above me said, you still need very well geared people to pull it off、 these are beyond black temple trash, and for a guild like mine, it is difficult to pull off, so best advice get around 5 mages, so you can sheep as many of them as possible、 i have seen in one hour or so, maybe less, or farming that first group, we had one or two sunmotes drop, and an epic gem、 our hunters are definitely of course trying to get the polearm as a side note、 ;) happy hunting!

32、评论来自 sstanwell yes it is the new heart of darkness () but nowadays on my server, the best raiding guilds don't sell it yet, because they don't have enough sunmotes for themselves、、、 if someone starts selling it at the moment, prepare about ~2-3k gold for one of these、 it will certainly be cheaper in a couple of months so you just have to wait if you can't afford it though、

33、评论来自 58227d= there's no hunter stuff to be exchanged for at the vendor、、、not yet anyway、


35、for example, drops from、 if you pay 1 + (the dropped helm acts as currency here), you can buy , which has a pletely different colour scheme、 thus, you will have added the and the appearances to your collection!

36、this ment if you find it useful, thanks、

37、评论来自 annerajbon my server some guilds have started selling them for 2k there was a guy on trade buying them and i told him gl on those and he said that he already got 4 at 2k each one、 so start saving money if you want one of this、

38、评论来自 118318some random guy stole a whole bunch of those motes from a guild bank on my server、 later on you could see 12 sunmotes for the price of 1k each、 what a bastard :p

39、评论来自 120266evidentially there is only one item directed for a rogue to use and that is

40、评论来自 101003dude, that sentence needs punctuation、 don't be so lazy、

41、评论来自 jadindroodi just want to note that if you look at the things needed for the trade ins it actually trades what classes would need it as in gloves of tyri's power and are caster gloves e from handguards of the dawn and a sunmote and the handguards of the dawn are healing gloves so expect high ptetion for everything because those gloves are going to be wanted for dps and healers alike、


43、评论来自 139414due to the large number of these needed by the bop sunwell patterns i'd assume they drop more frequently than hearts of darkness do、 anyone have an idea on drop rate on the ptr

44、评论来自 aleomjust to mention along with the people above, these things can easily be farmed by a pug of even just 12-15 people with at least 5 mages to constantly sheep the targets, a good tank, some dps and 2 decent healers, possibly a third、 just take out the entire first group, leaving only one of them alive (typically the dragnhawk) then run out and reset the instance、 rinse and repeat、 on one night's four hour run my group came up with about 5 sunmotes, 11 epic gems and this pattern here

45、评论来自 kallikratesthe crafted rings are also boe and require these to craft、

46、评论来自 102263there are 33 patterns requiring hearts of darkness, and only 11 requiring sunmotes、 further, every raid member required shadow resist gear for shahraz which could only be crafted using hearts of darkness、 i would expect if anything the drop rate will be lower than with hearts of darkness、

47、评论来自 162131selling for around 1k on my server